End of statutory consultation

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in our statutory consultation, including those that took the time to submit their feedback. The consultation is now closed.

During the consultation, we sent out newsletters to more than 1,600 addresses across the project area, placed adverts on Facebook and TikTok that reached more than 29,000 people, and held a total of five in-person public consultation events that were attended by over 300 people.

Following the close of the consultation, we will take time over the coming months to read through and analyse all of the responses we have received. As part of this process, we will consider how your feedback could inform the future development of our proposals prior to submitting our development consent order (DCO) application, which we expect to do in early 2025.

As part of our application, we will submit a Consultation report that sets out all of the feedback we received to our statutory consultation, along with our response to this feedback. You can find more information on the wider DCO process on the Programme page of our website.