Following on from our recent update newsletter, we wanted to share some further details about planned survey work and our upcoming statutory consultation.

Surveys update

Starting from 19th August, we are planning to begin archaeology surveys across our project route, to help us better understand what is buried below the ground. These surveys follow on from geophysical survey work undertaken previously.

The archaeology surveys will involve digging a number of trial trenches at locations along the project route. [19th August 2024 update – The works will now start in the Great Staughton area (rather than Little Staughton), before moving across to the rest of the project route.] They are expected to last until early 2025, but the exact timing of the works will be dependent on the quantity and significance of any archaeological finds.

During the surveys, our appointed archaeologists will use diggers to lay a series of trenches. The trenches will be roughly 50 metres long and 50 centimetres deep. Following this, our team will investigate the trenches and take note of any archaeological features they find. Should anything of significance be found, they will work with the county archaeologist to ensure that the findings have been suitably investigated and recording. Once the survey work is complete, the trenches will be backfilled with subsoil and topsoil. Where Public Rights of Way pass close to our worksites, we will ensure that they are clearly signposted.

In addition to the trenches, we will also need a small number of temporary works areas, which will be used for staff welfare facilities and machinery storage whilst the works are taking place. These works areas will be removed once the trial trenching is complete.

We will keep local communities updated on our progress as the works continue. If you have questions or concerns about the work then please do get in touch and we will be happy to discuss.

Upcoming statutory consultation

We will share full details of how we will consult on our proposals closer to the time, but wanted to confirm now that we plan to hold four public consultation events, starting in early October.

We intend to hold public consultation events at venues in Great Staughton, Little Staughton, Keysoe and Hail Weston. In response to feedback to our non-statutory consultation, this is one additional event than that we held at last year’s consultation.

During the consultation events, we will have available detailed information on our developed plans and members of the project team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

More information on our statutory consultation, including the detail of our proposals, along with the other ways you can learn about our plans and have your say, will be shared in September. We will also write to all addresses that received our recent newsletter with this information at the start of the consultation, and we will share this information here on our website. You can also register to receive email updates on our proposals here.